Friday, July 30, 2010



The weather, the food and the history make Old Town San Diego one of the best places to visit. Within walking distance there are a great many places to shop with unique products and a quaint atmosphere. The Old Time Market and many smaller shops offer a variety of uncommon gifts.

Dee had been to San Diego a few years ago. On that trip she enjoyed shopping in the Old Town Market and wanted to return for this experience. John enjoyed a nap in the RV with me while Dee shopped and shopped and shopped. The only thing missing from this day was her sister-in-law and friend, Judi Shopper. We will be seeing Jim and Judi in August in Las Vegas. We all miss you guys. See you soon.

Notice, there are no pictures today because Dee was busy SHOPPING!

Last night we hopped from Wal-Mart camp to Wal-Mart camp to try and get some sleep. What an experience. We went to Vista, CA to a Wal-Mart. We retired around 8:30 as all the shopping had worn Dee out. At 12:30 AM Dee was awakened by a tap on the window. A security guard informed her there was no overnight camping allowed. We through on some clothes and headed East.....120 miles later in Corona, CA we found another Wal-Mart that had a security guard who told us we could stay overnight. A bit of trivia....Wal-Mart cleans their parking lots at 3 AM with street cleaning machines. So much for a good night sleep!

Another learning experience. Ask before you camp at Wal-Mart.

The tired Gray Hare

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