Tuesday, June 29, 2010

'Route 66' Texas (Day 10 June 23)

Before we left the great state of Texas we found the Geek Squad and had Dee's lap top fixed. Thank goodness, as she was so upset when it did not work. However, it was really nice when we camped in the canyon last night without WI-FI and no Cell service. That is a true vacation!

Back on Route 66 we saw the famous Cadillac Ranch. I am not sure as to how or why, but there are 10 old Cadillacs buried on this Ranch. My guess, but what does a rabbit know, that some rich rancher did not know what to do with all his old cars. There were about 200 empty spray cans lying in a pile near the cars, thus the cars are covered with graffiti.
Notice, no picture of me. I certainly did not want to hop in 97 degree weather to see a bunch of old cars, even if they were Cadillacs.
Gray Hare

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