Wednesday, June 30, 2010

'Route 66' Arizona (Day 15 June 28)

As we head West the scenery gets better and better and the temperatures get hotter and hotter. I would love to get out of the van and do some exploring. I think Dee and John know I would hook up with a young jack rabbit and never be seen again. OH! WELL! One can dream!

Today we drove through the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. This is something everyone should experience. It is so amazing and beautiful that your camera will never leave your hand as you want to capture everything. Be sure to click on Dee's pictures to enlarge them. I wish Dee's brother, Jim, could have been with us as he is our favorite photographer.

Dee bought a beautiful piece of rainbow petrified wood for her yard. If she isn't careful, I may polish it for her with water.

Gray Hare

Gray Hare

Sky City, NM (Day 14 June 27)

When John was at Camper World someone told him about a Casino about 50 miles from good old Albuquerque. Time to head West again!
The casino had a camp for RV's for only $10. Thus, you have more money to loose. It was so convenient. Camp and walk through the gate to The Dancing Eagle. We signed in and received 2 free cups. ( I believe they cost us about $40.) Another bonus was out of state guests each received a $10 voucher for gas. Too bad rabbits were not allowed so we could have gotten another voucher.
We enjoyed dinner and then breakfast the next morning at the Casino restaurant. After breakfast we gassed up and drove through the Indian Reservation. We went to ACOMA SKY CITY. It was a beautiful 1 hour drive. We then continued West to Arizona.
Gray Hare

Albuquerque, NM (Day 13 June 26)

YES! We are still in Albuquerque. I really like this place. It is a little cooler here and the mountains are beautiful. Dee said if we have to stay any longer she is going to buy a house and move here.

We are stranded again with RV repairs. Lucky are camp site is next door to the Camper World repair shop. Repairs were not too costly this time, but John and I had to spend over 6 hours to the repairs done. Dee stayed at the Enchanted Trails RV Park and did laundry and worked on the laptop. Let me tell you, I think those 6 hours away from each other did us all a lot of good.

Enchanted Trails RV Park was a beautiful park. They had so many interesting antiques on display. The laundry room had an old wringer washer and even a mangle for ironing. I bet a lot of Dee's friends will remember those. The guys might be interested in the old cars and campers in the pictures.
Gray Hare


Albuquerque, NM (Day 12 June 25)

We spent the morning at Midas. The RV needed 2 catalytic converters $$$$$$$$ It is a good thing Dee married a guy with a lot of dough.

After getting our RV repaired, we visited the PETROGLYPH National Monument in New Mexico. There are over 20,000 images pecked in stone - some recognizable as animals, people, crosses, others more mysterious. Today these images carved into the black stone invite us to see back in time.We were not able to hike the paths because I was afraid of creepy things we might see.

We spent the evening in Old Town Mission and had dinner at a nice Mexican Restaurant. There were many shops to explore for Dee while John and I rested in the town square. At the gazebo in the square a band played some noisy Latin music.

Oh! Dee & John said the food was good - no carrots on the menu. Guess what! There was a tree growing thru the roof of the restaurant.

The hungry Gray Hare

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

'Route 66' Texas (Day 10 June 23)

Before we left the great state of Texas we found the Geek Squad and had Dee's lap top fixed. Thank goodness, as she was so upset when it did not work. However, it was really nice when we camped in the canyon last night without WI-FI and no Cell service. That is a true vacation!

Back on Route 66 we saw the famous Cadillac Ranch. I am not sure as to how or why, but there are 10 old Cadillacs buried on this Ranch. My guess, but what does a rabbit know, that some rich rancher did not know what to do with all his old cars. There were about 200 empty spray cans lying in a pile near the cars, thus the cars are covered with graffiti.
Notice, no picture of me. I certainly did not want to hop in 97 degree weather to see a bunch of old cars, even if they were Cadillacs.
Gray Hare

TEXAS (Day 9 June 22)

Today was a fun and exciting day. At the Welcome Center we found info about Palo Duro Canyon State Park. It is about 30 miles south of Amarillo and well worth the drive. This canyon is known as the Grand Canyon of Texas. Not as big, but very pretty and interesting after seeing all the open plains yesterday. We were able to camp in the canyon at a very beautiful site with wild turkey and who knows what else roaming around.
It was exciting to see my first Longhorn. Thank You Dee for holding me and keeping me safe. I was surprised as to how big they were.
John and Dee attended the performance of "TEXAS'. This is an outdoor drama, performed in an open-air theater nestled at the foot of a high cliff. The show was exciting with the use of the canyon as the stage with great lighting and use of horses and other western props in the background. I am not sure I would have liked the fire works, but Dee and John enjoyed them. Again, you guessed it. I was left in the RV!
Gray Hare

'Route 66' TEXAS (Day 8 June 21)

FIRST DAY OF SUMMER 101 degrees in Texas How do you think I feel with all this gray hare? We are all drinking more water than we have ever before in our lives. We have been seen entering many a Subway with our large water cups for free refills.

Last night we stayed in Shamrock, TX. Gee-Cuba, MO and now Shamrock, TX. I am not sure what country we are in??? We are crossing the Texas Panhandle Plains today on the way to Amarillo.

BORING! Very boring landscape. We were told the Panhandle is the only place you can see the farthest and see nothing! TRUE TRUE TRUE...........
Picture is Dee at Texas Welcome Center. We did not reach the Welcome Center until we were 100 miles into the state at Amarillo. We thought this was strange until we realized there was
nothing to see until you reached Amarillo. Enough about this boring part of Route 66.
The bored Gray Hare

Monday, June 28, 2010

'Route 66' Weatherford,OK (Day 7 June 20)

HAPPY FATHERS DAY I am not sure where my father is? My poor mother had so many hares. Oh! Well! That is another story.

There was a lot to see on Route 66 in OK. When Dee looked at the map and saw how big Oklahoma was she said: "Let's just skip it." It turned out to be a very interesting state. They really enjoyed the city of Weatherford. This city as you will see by the pictures has a Wind Energy Center.

Also in Weatherford was Lucille's Diner.This was a great restored 50's restaurant. By the time Dee and John got to the Diner it was closed. (Have you noticed they are always late).

Dee took me out of the car to get pictures. She noticed that the doors were opened so we wandered in. They nicely told us they were closed and would reopen at 6AM. Dee started to they said they would love to have a picture taken with me. LUCKY ME! The Gray Hare with 6 beautiful women. John was sorry he stayed in the car.
The Gray Hare

'Route 66' IL (Day 2 June 15)

While everyone is relaxing this evening, I will try to catch up on our trip adventures. I have added the Day of the trip to make it easier to follow. I have also corrected some of the spelling errors. I have asked Dee for HELP with spelling, but she doesn't always get it right.

On our second day we put a lot of miles behind us. There didn't seem to be anything on Route 66 to interest Dee and John. Late afternoon there was heavy rain and I do mean heavy rain. The skys turned black and I was very scared. John held me tight and Dee held on to the steering wheel with all her energy. We were forced to get off the highway and find a camping spot. We found a lovely campground in Effingham, IL called Camp Lakewood. It was on beautiful Lake Pauline. I was concerned we would never get out of the campground in the morning as the roads were about to be washed out as we approached the camp. The camp was on high ground and the rain stopped early in the evening and all was a go in the morning.
Does anyone see anything different about John????? SHORTS - HE IS WEARING SHORTS!
The Gray Hare

Saturday, June 26, 2010

'ROUTE 66' MISSOURI (Day 4 June 17)

Wanted to share some Route 66 info from Cuba, MO. We stopped for gas at DANNY'S GAS HOLE. John loved the gas prices and Dee enjoyed the shopping.

Wine tasting was also available, but nobody offered me any.
The thirsty Gray Hare

Friday, June 25, 2010

'ROUTE 66' OKLAHOMA (Day 6 June 19)

The round barn is in Arcadia, OK. William Harrison Odor, a local farmer, was responsible for the building of Arcadia's Round Barn in 1898. Constructed from oak, its two stories were designed to shelter animals and store hay and grain; but from very early in its existence, the barn was also used for social events. Since its restoration by Arcadia's Historical and Preservation Society in 1992, it has become a popular venue for dances, meetings and even weddings!

Today we visited two 'Route 66' Roadside Attractions in Oklahoma. The Blue Whale is a famous swimming park in Oklahoma on Route 66. To bad it is closed as it was 91 degrees at 10 AM. It is really getting hot with all this Gray Hare.
The sweaty Gray Hare

Sunday, June 20, 2010


On Friday John & Dee toured the FANTASTIC CAVERNS in Springfield, MO. The tour was great. It did live up to it's name. It is the only cave tour in North America by tram. How nice for Dee & John to sit and enjoy the tour. I am not pictured because Dee forgot to take me along. I am sure I would have enjoyed the 60 degrees in the cave. Temps have been in the low 90's. I was left in the van.
I think they are trying to kill me and each other.

The hot Gray Hare

Saturday, June 19, 2010

GATEWAY TO THE WEST ( Day 3 June 16)

Hi! It is the Gray Hare again. On Wed, June 16, we went to the Arch in St. Louis. Can you see me on top???? Just kidding. 96 steps to the top. No way I could hop that much. You guessed it. Dee and John can' t hop that much either. Everyone had a good time. Too bad Dee would not let John go to the Casino on the Mississippi River Boat. She is such a meanie.
The Gray Hare

Monday, June 14, 2010

READY TO GO (Day 1 June 14)

Well! I am ready. Let's go!
I am so happy I have been invited. Dee's son, Dan, has to stay home and take care of the house. He does a great job cutting the grass and taking care of the flowers. We know everything will be fine as Dan's karate friends will be visiting three times a week. Dan also thought he might look into getting a couple of Pit Bulls to help keep an eye on things. Glad I will not be home!!!!!!!!!
The scared Gray Hare

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I would like to introduce myself. I am Dee's Gray Hare. When Dee turned 60 (just a few years ago) her sister Ginny sent me to her from California. I travel with Dee everywhere she goes in the blue van. A couple of years ago, I had the honor of gong on a Roots trip with Dee's family. Lucky me! I have also been invited to go on the trip out West. Can't wait to get going. Keep your eye out for me as we travel. I will be your narrator for this trip. I wish these two would hurry and get the travel van was to have been blast off day, but we are still in the driveway in Cleveland.
The anxious Gray Hare

Thursday, June 10, 2010


John and I have talked for many years about traveling West. He made this trip many many years ago with his first wife, so I hope he knows the way. He has promised to also show me the wild wild West. Blast off date, we hope, is this Sunday, June 13. Our goal is to reach SF California by July 10 for a family reunion at my sister Ginny's lovely home.