Today we caravaned with Dee's brother, Jim, his wife, Judi, and with her daughter Lori's family from Las Vegas to Kanab, Utah. Our journey today took us through three states. Nevada-Arizona-Utah
Lori and Chris are the proud parents of Arin, who tied the knot yesterday. I know the family tree is a little confusing at times. They are all still trying to figure where the Gray Hare fits in.
Anyway, we are now in Kanab, Utah. The plan is to see the North side of the Grand Canyon tomorrow.
This evening we drove to Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park. Jim, who is our family photographer, wanted to get some pictures at sunset.
Sand dunes are created by three factors: sand, high winds, and a unique influence upon those high winds. At Coral Pink Sand Dunes, a notch between the Moquith and Moccasin mountains causes this unique influence. Wind is funneled through this notch, increasing wind velocity to a point it can carry grains of sand from the eroding Navajo sand stone.
This phenomenon is know as the Venturi Effect. After the wind passes through the notch and into the open valley, wind velocity decreases, depositing the sand.
Notice picture of John hiking the sand dune.
The sandy Gray Hare