Monday, August 23, 2010

*****THE END*****

******THE END******
We all had a great time! It was a dream come true.
We drove over 8300 miles.
We traveled through 13 States.
Had only 2 mechanical breakdowns.
No tickets.
Backed into only 1 electrical outlet at a campground.
Hit only 1 truck backing up.
Had ????? number of arguments-they are still married.
The Gray Hare signing off.........until we hit the road again.

HOME SWEET HOME (Day 71 Aug 23)

We are back in OHIO.

Home Sweet Home

We arrived home Monday evening. We had one last stop for shopping at the Lodi Outlet Mall. Dee had not been to any retail stores or outlet malls in 10 weeks and was having bad withdrawals so John said it was OK to stop to shop.
Dee's grandchildren, Mia and Zach, along with Mom and Dad and all the other relatives surprised Dee and John with the welcome home sign pictured above. I guess they all really missed us. Mia said her grandmother can NEVER go away that long again. They all tracked our progress on the Map on the sign.

The shopping Gray Hare

Drive thru ILLINOIS (Day 70 Aug 22)

Amost HOME! Today we drove through Illinois to Indiana. We camped at the KOA Indy campground. It won't be long now before we are in our own beds.
The anxious Gray Hare

Drive thru MISSOURI (Day 69 Aug 21)

Everyone was anxious to get though Missouri because they knew our destination was another Casino. Early evening we arrived at the River Queen Casino RV Park which is located in East St. Louis, Illinois. We are in another state getting closer to home. This was a very nice campground with a shuttle to the Casino. Pictured is the Casino which was visible from the campground.

Of course, we took the shuttle to do some more gambling. OK we have lost the rest of our winnings. We enjoyed a delicious prime rib buffet - lost our money - and retired early.
The gambling Gray Hare

Friday, August 20, 2010

Good-bye KANSAS (Day 68 Aug 20)

Today Dee is finally going to let me finish the blog. We have been home 3 weeks, so it is about time. Someone told Dee they were left hanging in KANSAS. If you don't know where the Yellow brick road is and are not wearing your red shoes you probably will be stuck in KANSAS........

We continued thru Kansas today and camped in Higginsville, MO. There was a very bad thunder and lighting storm during the night. Dee and I were awake until 3am. It was very nice of Dee to let me sleep in her bed because I was so scared. The people who operated the camp ground said they would come with a golf cart and drive us to the shelter if there were tornado warnings. Luckily, that was not necessary.

The scared Gray Hare

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Driving thru KANSAS (Day 67 Aug 19)

We arrived in Goodland, KS and decided to spend the night. The next morning after our great SUBWAY breakfast, we headed East again.

Dee and John have a friend, Carl Wallace, who was born and raised in Kansas. John called him to tease him that we were in his flat state. We could not believe that Carl was from Goodland where we stayed last night. He said if we had called last night he would have hooked us up with his family. OH! WELL! Maybe next time........
Carl also told us there were 8 Wonders of Kansas. One is The Church of the Plains in Victoria. This two tower catholic church was off of Interstate 70. See pictures.
The Church was beautiful inside and out. Dee lit a candle for her mother and thanked her for keeping them safe on their trip.

The religious Gray Hare

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Driving thru COLORODO (Day 66 Aug 18)

Today we drove 330 miles east though Colorado. Yes, we are continuing our journey home. The first part of the drive before Denver, was beautiful mountains with great views of the Colorado River.

After Denver the terrain became very flat. John said "This is not flat. Wait till we get to KANSAS."
We saw this Rabbit Valley and Dee stopped to check it out. Thank goodness it was a dirt road and Dee did not want to drive it with the RV. I was once again afraid I might be left behind. I think they thought it was another sanctuary that would take good care of me. I really am no bother. I think I am good company for them.

The good companion Gray Hare